Monday, February 25, 2008

boats, diapers, and the lost weekend

Well, obviously I am NOT going to make the blog every day in February challenge. :-p I'm not even making my own personal 'blog every day from the 7th of February on" challenge. Life has a habit of interfering with our plans sometimes! "The best-laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft a-gley..." (Hope I spelled all that's been awhile since I read Burns!).

Anyway, this weekend has been something of a struggle for me. Those who know me know my life is frequently disrupted by migraines. The past few days it has been more disrupted than usual! I couldn't drive home Friday night, so my parents drove Sarah and me to meet Nelson in Johnson City so that he could play taxi. Saturday we were supposed to go back to Greeneville to get my car, but we never made it. Sunday I missed both church and our evening small group. Today I am finally starting to come out of it a bit, although I wasn't able to make it to my normal Monday night Sunday either. I am hoping that I wake up to a headache-free day tomorrow and that life will finally return to normal!

Fortunately, I did at least manage to get Sarah to Kindermusik today. Her "homework" assignment was to build a boat and bring it. We took one of the Gladware containers that sandwich meat comes in, poked a hole in the lid, stuck a straw through the hole (to be our mast), and added a paper sail (or flag, as Sarah calls it. She of course decorated said flag). She is very proud of her boat, and she looks forward to trying it out in the bathtub tonight. She also discovered that if she removes the paper flag, she can blow into the straw and have a very cool homemade instrument! :)

As we were getting ready to leave for Kindermusik this morning, I changed Sarah's diaper. Once I got a new, clean diaper on her, she told me I had done it wrong and needed to fix it! I wanted to know just what the problem was with this diaper. She responded, "It's lefty-loosey, and I need it to be righty-tighty!" Lol. I tightened the tabs, and she was fine!

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