Thursday, January 26, 2012

update on goals and projects

January is almost over, and I've accomplished about half of what I had intended for the month.  "The best laid schemes of mice and men..."  As many know, a round of sickness hit our house.  We have some sort of nasty cold or something, and Natalie got pink eye.

However, here is what I DO have done so far:
1. I read the e-book on blogging.  I have also been taking a weekly blogging class.
2. I read the e-book on AP style.  May I just confess that I don't like AP style?  Obviously, I am going to have to get comfortable with it, but I don't like it. I have not taken the proofreading test yet--I figured taking it when I felt awful wasn't a great idea. 
3. I am about 2/3 of the way through David Allen's Getting Things Done.  (Irony: reading his book is one of the things I'm having a hard time "getting done.")
4. I am partway through a You Version reading plan.
5. This afternoon I will have my first two loaves of sourdough bread.  This has been an interesting experiment, let me tell you.  I would not recommend trying something new like this when you feel as rotten as I have felt this week.  But I had mixed up the starter before the plague hit, so I figured I might as well go ahead and put it to use.  We'll see how it turns out.
6. I am taking a "J-term" class at church (I missed one class due to the sickness).
7. The girls have started their Kindermusik classes.  Thanks, Uncle Dave!   (Natalie actually missed her first class, due to the pink eye.  She was quite bummed.)

We aren't as yet making much progress on decluttering.  Hopefully once we feel better, that will change.  The girls' new insurance info came, so I also plan to call for an eye appointment for Sarah within the next week or so (she complains sometimes that reading makes her head hurt).  I am hopefully going to make a batch of homemade yogurt next week as well.  We'll see.  We have to recover first.  :)

How are your goals for the year going?  Better than mine?


Tara said...

I think you're doing great. My list isn't all checked off either and I had fewer things to accomplish! :) I say if you get anything done at all and are still working towards goals, you're probably doing better than most people! :)

Unknown said...

Aw, thanks! :)