I am thrilled beyond words to be typing up this blog post. I held off writing until I felt sure, but it's been long enough that I feel confident. :)
Sarah was diagnosed with acid reflux when she was three months old. She has been on daily medication ever since. She started on Zantac, and as she got older we kept having to increase the dose. The doctor assured us that most babies outgrew reflux before they reached toddlerhood, but Sarah was still on Zantac when she was four. In fact, by that time we had pretty much maxed out the dosage possible. And still her reflux wasn't really under control. So the doctor switched her to Prevacid.
Unfortunately, the switch to Prevacid came during one of the tightest financial periods we have ever had. The prescription Prevacid Solu-tabs cost more than the Zantac syrup, and Sarah had to have it. My SIL kept encouraging me to take Sarah to a chiropractor, but we couldn't afford to do so. There were times when I had to fill only seven or ten days' worth of the prescription at a time; thankfully the pharmacy was always very accommodating.
Then last January, Prevacid went over the counter. Now instead of $116 for a 30-day prescription, I could pay $25 for a 42-day supply! They were of course capsules instead of Solu-tabs, but I taught Sarah how to swallow them and we were good to go. Sometimes we could even find coupons. Then last month we found that Amazon had 42-day supplies for only $16--even better!
But now we have the BEST news of all! After six years of praying and hoping and struggling to come up with the needed medicine--Sarah finally doesn't need it anymore! She has been without Prevacid for over TWO WEEKS now. No stmachaches, no churning, no reflux.
After six years of daily medicines, six years of worrying about the effects of this over the course of a lifetime, six years of scrambling to pay for it, to say that we are thrilled by this turn of events is an understatement. We are rejoicing and praising God. We are truly grateful for Sarah's healing.
VERY exciting! our 6yo is using it only if she eats late at night or has something like pizza(greasy, fat, tomato paste) for dinner...we keep most of those foods for lunch if we are going to do them and we are (almost) meds free...mostly controlled by food intake.
I totally understand your excitement.
Yay, Karen!!! yay yay yay!
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