Monday, January 18, 2010

trying to get caught up...

I am having issues getting pictures off of our camera right now. I wanted to post our beautiful snow pictures as well as some Christmas pictures (we are so far past the holidays that no one is going to care when I finally get them up!). But the camera simply will NOT give up those pictures. I'm still working on it, but it's on the back burner for now (more on that in a minute). In the meantime, my dad gave me a thumb drive with some of his pictures. I will get those off and share those if I can (although the problem may be with my my computer...I had trouble loading pictures from a CD as well. So it may have to wait for Nelson to have time).

As for why it's on the back burner...Natalie is sick again. She has another ear infection and is on an antibiotic for that. She is also on albuterol for wheezing in her chest. The albuterol is making her have trouble sleeping. She isn't napping well AT ALL, which is making her very cranky and irritable. And she isn't sleeping for very long stretches at night, making her MORE cranky and irritable. Last night she finally made it four hours...the longest she's had in awhile. So I'm kind of cranky and irritable myself. :-p

Ironically, before starting the medicine regimen, although she was clearly congested and coughing a lot (and not sleeping well due to the coughing), she wasn't really crabby and didn't seem to feel all that bad. Sigh....


Carey said...

Karen, our experience was that the albuterol made both of our kids very much NOT our kids. The changes to their behavior were DRAMATIC. We thought it was prednisone in nathan, but it turns out that the albuterol does it too. Combo of both? NOT pretty. It explains it in the little pamphlet that comes with the prescription for the albuterol.

Anyway, we decided NOT to use it unless we HAD to. She may be over the hump enough now to stop it. It's worth trying to see if the help to her body is worth what it does to her "well" being.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Carey. Glad it's not just Natalie! The pharmacist warned me about sleeplessness, but I didn't know it would be THIS bad. Today, she *FINALLY* (praise God!!) napped. So hopefully we'll be out of the woods soon. (I did give her fewer doses yesterday...maybe that's why she slept today??)

Niamh said...

I still want to see Christmas pictures no matter how old they are! :)

We're praying that Natalie (and you) feel better and get rest soon!