Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sarah at Meadowview Gymnastics

We just started Sarah in a gymnastics class at the local gymnastics gym. This is a short video from her first class 2 weeks ago, as the class ended the morning on the zip line.

This morning the class swam through the ball pit, did straddle jumps, and ran on the trampoline.


Tana said...

lol i love the feet kicking!

Lauri Dilbeck said...

Too cute! I can't believe how big she's gotten. Man!
I too like the feet kick! LOL

Anderson Crew said...

The feet are def FUN!
I just found a "special needs kids and siblings" dance class, I am hoping to find a gymnastics one....

Grandpa: said...

What a cutie pie! But then why wouldn't she be? Just look at her mom and dad. How about wrapping her up and sending her out to California for a year or two?

Tara said...

How fun!!!

Nelson said...

I got a kick out of that, too. heh!