Friday, April 17, 2009
sweet moments
It's no surprise that I'm tired, and I look forward to Natalie sleeping through the night (hopefully sooner than her big sister did!). But at the same time, it is a special moment when you've just finished a middle-of-the-night nursing, the house is dark and silent, and your newborn is snuggled up against you to drift back to sleep. It is precious and fleeting, bordering on the holy. I look forward to longer stretches of sleep, no doubt about it, but I do want to treasure those times while they last.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter finery
Sarah and Nelson attended Easter services at church this morning. They then went to my grandmother's for dinner with my family. Natalie and I stayed home. Natalie is less than two weeks old, and I am still trying to recover from her birth. We did get some good pictures of Sarah and Natalie in their Easter dresses before Nelson and Sarah left the house though. Enjoy!
Sarah wasn't quite ready for this first shot, I don't think...

Oh, that's better! Bright-eyed and smiling!

Natalie has closed eyes for her first picture as well. I'm seeing a trend...

Much better!

The two girls together. It wasn't intentional, but I like the effect of them looking at each other for the picture.

Bonus picture...what Natalie would have preferred to be doing instead of a photo shoot.

Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday! He is risen! He is risen indeed! Happy Easter!
Sarah wasn't quite ready for this first shot, I don't think...

Oh, that's better! Bright-eyed and smiling!

Natalie has closed eyes for her first picture as well. I'm seeing a trend...

Much better!

The two girls together. It wasn't intentional, but I like the effect of them looking at each other for the picture.

Bonus picture...what Natalie would have preferred to be doing instead of a photo shoot.

Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday! He is risen! He is risen indeed! Happy Easter!
the first bath
One of my favorite things about the newborn days is how babies glow after a bath. There's no other word for it; they just glow. I think babies may be the inspiration for the expression "fresh-scrubbed." Since Natalie's cord fell off, she was ready for her first dip in the tub. Sarah was eager to help scrub her little sister. Here a few pictures of the occasion.
Getting Natalie positioned in the baby bath tub.

Sarah helping Daddy scrub Natalie clean.

She's all done! (Please excuse the exhausted mommy in this photo).
Getting Natalie positioned in the baby bath tub.

Sarah helping Daddy scrub Natalie clean.

She's all done! (Please excuse the exhausted mommy in this photo).

Friday, April 10, 2009
Sarah's Easter egg hunt
Friday, April 3, 2009
the third time's the charm
Ligament pain or not, I continued to have pain at regular intervals all weekend. I couldn't sleep, because the pain would come (again) within a few minutes. And there were no comfortable positions. It didn't matter whether I stood, walked, sat, laid down, etc.--the pain kept coming. Saturday, Nelson called the hospital, desperate for some options (Tylenol was doing nothing). The nurse insisted that it was ligament pain, and that I should take Tylenol and rest. Sigh.
By Sunday, I thought I was going to lose my mind. The pain never let up, the entire weekend--it continued to come like clockwork every few minutes. Nelson was frustrated because he could see how miserable I was, but he couldn't fix it (plus, I'm sure he was tired--I woke up a few times crying out in the night). We agreed to call my doctor on Monday, but we still had to get through Sunday somehow. I was all over the house, trying to find a comfortable position. I posted to Facebook, thinking that perhaps other mommies had experienced this and could offer advice or solutions. They tried, and I tried all the tips they gave, but nothing was working.
So Monday, I called the doctor, and the triage nurse said to come in. I would be seeing the midwife again, but they would evaluate me and try to come up with a solution.
When I saw the midwife, I described the weekend to her. She immediately said she needed to do an internal exam. As an aside, guess what? She had no trouble conducting said exam. But her eyes did round a bit. "Somebody didn't know what they were doing Friday night," she said. "You are paper thin and dilated."
Here's the thing: the location and nature of my pain did not change at any point over these several days! If the pains I was having on Monday morning were labor pains, then I can only assume the pains I was having on Friday were as well. At the very least, they were Braxton Hicks contractions, gearing up for the real event...which started sometime Saturday or Sunday.
Here's where the story gets somewhat heavy and introspective. I've never posted anything this rawly honest here. But here goes. Throughout this pregnancy, I have been wrestling with the decision whether to do a repeat c-section or try for VBAC. I have gone back and forth too many times to count, and I have been begging God for wisdom. When we had the scare over the amniotic fluid, and my c-section was scheduled, I thought I had my answer. And I felt better for not having had to make the decision in the end; complications had made it for me. I couldn't mess it up!
But in the doctor's office, the midwife looked at me and asked, "Since you went into labor on your own, do you want to try for VBAC?" I panicked. The moment had arrived, the situation was no longer urgent, and I had to call the shots. But I was exhausted, I had been in pain for days, and I was scared. The answer I blurted out came immediately, but I'm still not entirely sure it was the right one. "No," I almost whispered. "I really don't."
VBAC vs. repeat c-section is such an emotionally loaded topic. Women on both sides feel very strongly about their positions. As I've tried to make this decision, I've felt the pull in both directions. I know God designed women's bodies to give birth in the normal fashion, and that medical intervention in the process is a new and recent thing. Part of me wonders if I did it wrong, not choosing to try the more natural route. Maybe this whole going into labor on my own thing was God telling me to try doing things His way, and I blew it. I don't know.
But Nelson offered another perspective, and I've been thinking about it as well. The reason for my c-section with Sarah was NOT failure to progress. She was in serious distress at the time, and the c-section wound up saving her life. But the fact remains that I never got past 4 centimeters while in labor with her. When the midwife checked me on Monday, even thought I had been having the pain at regular intervals for the entire weekend, I was only at 3.5 centimeters. Nelson thinks my body perhaps goes very slowly, and that I might have reached a "failure to progress" point if I had tried to continue.
I don't know. I draw comfort from words I saw elsewhere on the Internet: "A mother's worth is not determined by how she gives birth." Even if I did blow it in the heat of the moment and make the wrong call, I have a lifetime to try to make right decisions while parenting Natalie. I will continue to seek God's wisdom and instruction for that.
Right or wrong, the c-section was performed Monday afternoon. Natalie Rose was born at 3:42 p.m., weighing 6 pounds, 0.8 ounces, and she was 19.5 inches long. She has dark hair, like Sarah did at birth, and actually resembles her big sister as a newborn. She also has Sarah's feisty attitude! ;)
She's a snugly baby, loving to be held and cuddled. She's a hungry little thing and very impatient when it comes time to eat. All in all, she's perfect, even if her mommy isn't. :)
Sarah is enjoying big sisterhood (so far), and has even cracked me up with some of her comments and observations. I am nursing Natalie, and Sarah told my parents that "Mommy has a built-in bottle!" I have to use a shield when nursing (as I did with Sarah), and Sarah asked me if it was a "bottle top." Sarah picked out a stuffed animal as a gift for Natalie, and helped my mom shop for an Easter dress. She likes to help out, and she likes to pat or rub Natalie's head.
So far, we're settling into life okay. I'm sure we'll be feeling our way along for the next several weeks of exhaustion, healing, and figuring out a new routine. But for now, we're doing good, and we know we are very, very blessed.
By Sunday, I thought I was going to lose my mind. The pain never let up, the entire weekend--it continued to come like clockwork every few minutes. Nelson was frustrated because he could see how miserable I was, but he couldn't fix it (plus, I'm sure he was tired--I woke up a few times crying out in the night). We agreed to call my doctor on Monday, but we still had to get through Sunday somehow. I was all over the house, trying to find a comfortable position. I posted to Facebook, thinking that perhaps other mommies had experienced this and could offer advice or solutions. They tried, and I tried all the tips they gave, but nothing was working.
So Monday, I called the doctor, and the triage nurse said to come in. I would be seeing the midwife again, but they would evaluate me and try to come up with a solution.
When I saw the midwife, I described the weekend to her. She immediately said she needed to do an internal exam. As an aside, guess what? She had no trouble conducting said exam. But her eyes did round a bit. "Somebody didn't know what they were doing Friday night," she said. "You are paper thin and dilated."
Here's the thing: the location and nature of my pain did not change at any point over these several days! If the pains I was having on Monday morning were labor pains, then I can only assume the pains I was having on Friday were as well. At the very least, they were Braxton Hicks contractions, gearing up for the real event...which started sometime Saturday or Sunday.
Here's where the story gets somewhat heavy and introspective. I've never posted anything this rawly honest here. But here goes. Throughout this pregnancy, I have been wrestling with the decision whether to do a repeat c-section or try for VBAC. I have gone back and forth too many times to count, and I have been begging God for wisdom. When we had the scare over the amniotic fluid, and my c-section was scheduled, I thought I had my answer. And I felt better for not having had to make the decision in the end; complications had made it for me. I couldn't mess it up!
But in the doctor's office, the midwife looked at me and asked, "Since you went into labor on your own, do you want to try for VBAC?" I panicked. The moment had arrived, the situation was no longer urgent, and I had to call the shots. But I was exhausted, I had been in pain for days, and I was scared. The answer I blurted out came immediately, but I'm still not entirely sure it was the right one. "No," I almost whispered. "I really don't."
VBAC vs. repeat c-section is such an emotionally loaded topic. Women on both sides feel very strongly about their positions. As I've tried to make this decision, I've felt the pull in both directions. I know God designed women's bodies to give birth in the normal fashion, and that medical intervention in the process is a new and recent thing. Part of me wonders if I did it wrong, not choosing to try the more natural route. Maybe this whole going into labor on my own thing was God telling me to try doing things His way, and I blew it. I don't know.
But Nelson offered another perspective, and I've been thinking about it as well. The reason for my c-section with Sarah was NOT failure to progress. She was in serious distress at the time, and the c-section wound up saving her life. But the fact remains that I never got past 4 centimeters while in labor with her. When the midwife checked me on Monday, even thought I had been having the pain at regular intervals for the entire weekend, I was only at 3.5 centimeters. Nelson thinks my body perhaps goes very slowly, and that I might have reached a "failure to progress" point if I had tried to continue.
I don't know. I draw comfort from words I saw elsewhere on the Internet: "A mother's worth is not determined by how she gives birth." Even if I did blow it in the heat of the moment and make the wrong call, I have a lifetime to try to make right decisions while parenting Natalie. I will continue to seek God's wisdom and instruction for that.
Right or wrong, the c-section was performed Monday afternoon. Natalie Rose was born at 3:42 p.m., weighing 6 pounds, 0.8 ounces, and she was 19.5 inches long. She has dark hair, like Sarah did at birth, and actually resembles her big sister as a newborn. She also has Sarah's feisty attitude! ;)
She's a snugly baby, loving to be held and cuddled. She's a hungry little thing and very impatient when it comes time to eat. All in all, she's perfect, even if her mommy isn't. :)
Sarah is enjoying big sisterhood (so far), and has even cracked me up with some of her comments and observations. I am nursing Natalie, and Sarah told my parents that "Mommy has a built-in bottle!" I have to use a shield when nursing (as I did with Sarah), and Sarah asked me if it was a "bottle top." Sarah picked out a stuffed animal as a gift for Natalie, and helped my mom shop for an Easter dress. She likes to help out, and she likes to pat or rub Natalie's head.
So far, we're settling into life okay. I'm sure we'll be feeling our way along for the next several weeks of exhaustion, healing, and figuring out a new routine. But for now, we're doing good, and we know we are very, very blessed.
false alarm #2
I have already written of our overnight stint in the hospital on St. Patrick's Day, thinking that I would be giving birth to Natalie within a couple of days due to dropping levels of amniotic fluid. It turned out to be a false alarm, and I was sent home with the reassuring news that everything was now fine.
Friday evening (Mar. 27) was false alarm #2.
I didn't feel well in general when I woke up Friday morning. My stomach had started hurting during the night, and I didn't sleep well. I woke up with some severe gastro-intestinal distress. Yuck.
But we were meeting my parents for lunch, so I got Sarah ready. We enjoyed lunch, but I continued to feel rotten as the day wore on. And soon after we were back at home and I had put Sarah down for a nap, the pain started.
It was down low, in my pelvic floor region, but it caused my whole body to tense. It didn't last for long at a time, but it came at regular intervals. First ten minutes. Then eight. Then seven. Then five. Intensity varied. Timing stayed consistent. By the time Nelson got home, I was in pain every four minutes. I tried to call my doctor, but I couldn't get through. Nelson said forget it; we were going to the hospital.
At the hospital, I was hooked up to a monitor. I also needed to have an internal exam. Labor is defined only by changes to the cervix. I could have contractions all I wanted, but if my cervix didn't change, I wasn't in labor.
As it turns out, 2 out of 3 hospital nurses can't even find my cervix. That's right, it took three attempts to even get a starting point. But they assured me that any change at all would indicate labor and the doctor on duty would perform my c-section that night. Again, my doctor was not there. (Sigh.)
Well, I stayed in bed with the pain for the hour, the third nurse (the one who had been successful) came back to do another exam. She declared that I was not in labor. Further, my "contractions" weren't registering on the machine anyway. And the area where I indicated I was hurting was too low. She said I was experiencing ligament pain, and that I should go home and take Tylenol and rest. I said, "Ligament pain? At regular intervals?!" Yes, she insisted. So home we went. Once again, we thought I was having this baby, and it turned out I wasn't. I could only hope Tylenol could help, because I was really miserable.
To be continued....
Friday evening (Mar. 27) was false alarm #2.
I didn't feel well in general when I woke up Friday morning. My stomach had started hurting during the night, and I didn't sleep well. I woke up with some severe gastro-intestinal distress. Yuck.
But we were meeting my parents for lunch, so I got Sarah ready. We enjoyed lunch, but I continued to feel rotten as the day wore on. And soon after we were back at home and I had put Sarah down for a nap, the pain started.
It was down low, in my pelvic floor region, but it caused my whole body to tense. It didn't last for long at a time, but it came at regular intervals. First ten minutes. Then eight. Then seven. Then five. Intensity varied. Timing stayed consistent. By the time Nelson got home, I was in pain every four minutes. I tried to call my doctor, but I couldn't get through. Nelson said forget it; we were going to the hospital.
At the hospital, I was hooked up to a monitor. I also needed to have an internal exam. Labor is defined only by changes to the cervix. I could have contractions all I wanted, but if my cervix didn't change, I wasn't in labor.
As it turns out, 2 out of 3 hospital nurses can't even find my cervix. That's right, it took three attempts to even get a starting point. But they assured me that any change at all would indicate labor and the doctor on duty would perform my c-section that night. Again, my doctor was not there. (Sigh.)
Well, I stayed in bed with the pain for the hour, the third nurse (the one who had been successful) came back to do another exam. She declared that I was not in labor. Further, my "contractions" weren't registering on the machine anyway. And the area where I indicated I was hurting was too low. She said I was experiencing ligament pain, and that I should go home and take Tylenol and rest. I said, "Ligament pain? At regular intervals?!" Yes, she insisted. So home we went. Once again, we thought I was having this baby, and it turned out I wasn't. I could only hope Tylenol could help, because I was really miserable.
To be continued....
Natalie Rose
This is just a quickie post. I have 2 other posts to write, telling the actual story of the days leading up to Natalie's arrival, but those aren't quite finished yet. But for now, I saw this on Tara's blog and I HAD to link to it. We all commented on how much Natalie looked like Sarah did as a newborn. Well, Tara published the proof. Mom, check this out! This should clinch it for you! ;)
And the additional stats:
Sarah weighed 6 pounds, 0.7 ounces at birth. She was 19.5 inches long.
Natalie weighed 6 pounds, 0.8 ounces at birth. She was also 19.5 inches long.
Apparently for my babies, one size really does fit all! :)
We are now home from the hospital, and we are all doing well.
Off to write the other two posts now! Hopefully I'll get them done before our new little miss wakes up again! :)
And the additional stats:
Sarah weighed 6 pounds, 0.7 ounces at birth. She was 19.5 inches long.
Natalie weighed 6 pounds, 0.8 ounces at birth. She was also 19.5 inches long.
Apparently for my babies, one size really does fit all! :)
We are now home from the hospital, and we are all doing well.
Off to write the other two posts now! Hopefully I'll get them done before our new little miss wakes up again! :)
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