We had a busy week of Christmas celebrations. On Christmas Eve, we went to my parents' house for a lasagna dinner, lime pie, and presents! Lots and LOTS of presents! My parents, brother, and grandmother were all there. So we had quite a few to celebrate with us! (And quite a few to fight over the pie! What can we say? It's good!!)
After supper, we opened our many presents. Needless to say, most of the following pictures are of Sarah opening her gifts, but none of us got slighted in the least. :)
This was a big hit for Sarah: a toy beauty shop. In case you haven't picked up on the fact, Sarah is a very "girly" girl; she loves jewelry, makeup, shoes, clothes, perfume, etc. So this play shop, with all of its doodads for fixing hair and "prettying" up was perfect for her!
A close-up of Sarah playing with all the beauty shop's goodies.
Sarah fixing Mommy's hair.
Other gifts, some opened some still needing to be torn into...

These are just the pictures from Christmas Eve! On Christmas morning, Sarah woke up to the Christmas carrots. Christmas morning was also when we opened her gifts from her grandma and grandpa. Among those was a Leapster. Sarah has LOVED playing games on that. She's already gone through one set of batteries!
We ate a turkey dinner with my parents on Christmas day (and we finished up the pie. It is a matter of record that I got the smallest piece of pie. Both Nelson's and my brother's slices were much larger. Being pregnant has absolutely no advantage when it comes to my mother's lime pie. I couldn't move as quickly as they could; therefore I lost out. Sigh).
Saturday (Dec. 27) we went to my grandmother's for a dinner with her and my aunt, uncle, and cousins. Sarah had a great time with Amelia, who is her second cousin. Sarah also went home with a few more presents! :)
So we all definitely had a good Christmas. It was a long, busy week, but there were some special memories made with family, and we had many moments of joyful celebration. I hope your Christmas was just as enjoyable! :)
And again, happy New Year! :)
Happy New Year to you, too! (I forgot to take my camera to Christmas this year. We have no pics.) I've found that a pack of rechargeable batteries with a charger ($9 at Wal-Mart) is WELL worth the money when it comes to children's electronics!
What, no more pictures of you and Nelson?? :-)
Cute anyway...Sarah looks very happy!! :-)
Hey, I'm in the picture with Sarah fixing my hair! ;)
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