Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sarah's 4th birthday

Today Little Miss Sarah turned 4. She has had a big day and "partied hearty." She requested a pizza party with her "friends and classmates." So we sent invites to said friends and classmates, and we met at the park for pizza, cupcakes, and playtime. There are several advantages to having the party at the park: I don't have to clean house, I don't have to worry about how to fit everyone in my house, and I don't have to plan party games or activities. There's a whole playground there! :)

Anyway, here is the picnic table, decorated for the big event:

This is the pizza we bought. I'm not entirely sure the picture does it justice. It is HUGE. But it's perfect for parties, because you don't have to tote around several pizzas. One is enough. (More than enough actually--we have leftovers).

Just a swingin'...

Sarah and her guests having fun with party favors...

Sarah in the car on the way home. She had a great time!

Sarah modeling the makeup, hair clips, and jewelry she got as one of her gifts.

I realize as I look at the pictures now that there were several pictures that I didn't get. I don't have a photo of the chocolate cupcakes we had for our birthday treat. I don't have a photo of Sarah opening her gifts or blowing out her Strawberry Shortcake candle. :( I'm kind of bummed about that, but things were hectic and I was so busy playing hostess that sometimes the role of photographer got put on the back burner. I will say that she got several LOVELY presents, and she has been happily playing with them all afternoon. She received the aforementioned makeup set, a Polly Pocket doll, Color Wonder markers and paper, and a Disney princess tea set. She has had a blast trying it all out!

She had a party with my parents last night, and I will post those as soon as Dad emails me the pictures (hint, hint!). ;)

Happy birthday, Sarah! We love you!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Looks like a super fun day! Happy Birthday Sarah!