Cue music here. (Sure wish I had a music file to add!).
Da da da da da da da da da da...

Yep, it's the Dick Van Dyke Show! I used to watch it with my dad. For Christmas, I got Season 1 on DVD (DVD on DVD!). The past few days, Sarah and I have been having our own little "mini marathon." I started watching a few early in the week when I wasn't feeling well. Sarah enjoyed them, and she has continued to ask for more since then. It took her a few tries to get the pronunciation right! She asked for the "Dickety Dyke Show" a few times at first! But doesn't she have good tastes? She already knows enough to appreciate one of TV's all-time best shows! :)
She does have great taste! I grew up loving those old classic shows, even though they were reruns when I watched them, too. Aren't DVDs the greatest? "Leave it to Beaver" is my personal favorite...
They don't make TV shows the way they used to! There's not much on today that I can picture someone watching 50+ years from now!
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