Monday, November 7, 2011

Natalie says

Posts using this title used to chronicle Natalie's growing vocabulary.  Making a list of words would be ridiculous at this point.  Go get a dictionary; those are the words she can say.  ;)  Still, it makes a good title for this post, which is just about the funny things she's said today. 

It started when she asked to use the bathroom earlier today.  As she sat on the potty, she proudly proclaimed, "I got the pee out of my bottom!" 

Later, we were watching an episode of Good Eats.  Alton was cooking with lobster.  At first, the lobsters kind of freaked her out.  Strange, since she and Sarah love to visit the lobster tank at the grocery store.  Later on, however, she announced, "I like lobsters!  Lobsters are good eats!"  Maybe one day she'll actually get to taste lobster and find out if that's actually true.  :) 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

more pictures (halloween)

In addition to trick-or-treating on the night of Halloween itself, Sarah and Natalie got to don their costumes and attend a "fall festival" at a local church on Wednesday, October 26.  Most of these pictures are from that rather than Halloween itself.  The costumes are the same though, so it all works out.  :)

To avoid any possible confusion, Natalie is Snow White, and Sarah is Tinkerbell.  And look--Natalie finally figured out how to smile for the camera!  Also, check out Sarah's missing teeth. 

Bonus pictures: my co-teacher at our homeschool co-op gifted us with a Winnie the Pooh costume the day after Halloween.  Natalie is in love with it.  She won't get dressed today; she just wants to wear Pooh.  It's too big for her, but that doesn't keep her from being enamored with it.

Happy belated Halloween!