Thursday, September 25, 2008
classic tv, pt. 2
In other news, Sarah has discovered a love for mimosas. Don't worry; I'm not boozing her up. ;) I make them with orange juice and either Sprite or ginger ale. To her, it's a really special treat. She does have a hard time pronouncing mimosa though. :)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sarah and makeup
What do you think? Should Sarah be a regular contributor on the art of applying makeup? ;)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
new Bible study for me, new children's class for Sarah
Still, I wanted to be a part of a Bible study. And I began to toy with an idea. Several years ago, when we were still attending church in Johnson City, I had taken part in several Precept Bible studies. I LOVED them. They have always been my favorite kind of study. They are intense, inductive-style studies. It isn't the study author's opinion being presented; it is you, digging into the Bible to see for yourself what it says. I love that. There is a video segment where Kay Arthur teaches and ties major themes together. But the "grunt work" is all you. It had been a long time since I had been able to do this type of study; our church here hasn't offered them. But since I couldn't take part in its study, maybe I could find a Precept class elsewhere.
After some online searching, I was successful. A local church about 25 minutes from here offered a Precept class on Wednesday mornings. Even better, they offered child care. Better still, that child care was free. And to top it all off, Sarah's class would include some instruction rather than just play time. How cool is that! :)
Today was our first day of class. I dropped Sarah off at her classroom and headed into the auditorium for my study. Two hours later, I returned to pick up Sarah. And she had some news for me! It seems that she and a boy in her class were quite taken with each other. They have decided that they will get married! Lol. All the drive home, Sarah talked about this boy she was going to marry. He was going to be her husband, and she was going to be his wife. I guess with her Cinderella fixation, we should have expected this to come up sooner or later. The only reason it hasn't happened before now is probably due to the fact our church has very few boys in Sarah's age group. It's almost entirely girls. So this class was her first opportunity to find her Prince Charming!
Sarah's affection isn't one-sided. The boy was just as enamoured with her. He hugged her good-bye and told her he would see her next week. But to me, the funniest part of all this is that even as much as Sarah chattered about her new "boyfriend" in the car, she couldn't actually tell me his name!
Ah, first love...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
a new Kindermusik class begins
I got to thinking about all the Kindermusik classes we've done. If you count the shorter summer units, this is Sarah's ninth Kindermusik experience. We have an assortment of books, toys, instruments, and CDs from all of the various units. Unfortunately, her teacher says this will probably be the last class she teaches, so we may either have to give up the program or find a new teacher. We're not sure which yet.
As an early childhood education major, I have always been impressed with how developmentally appropriate the classes and curriculum are. The designers of the program have done an outstanding job. Sarah has learned a lot, while having fun and making new friends. She is always excited to hear that it is the time for her class and always eager to go. That says quite a lot. :)
Sarah, hard at work on the puzzle/game that came with the take-home materials. You can also see a booklet from a previous Kindermusik class nearby. :)
The CD, parent book, and the instrument for this unit: resonator bars. They're loads of fun, but I think they will end up being more annoying than last spring's drum...
In other news, I had a quickie doctor visit today. This was mostly informative in nature; I was given several pamphlets to look through. I also had to sign some forms, including one saying that they could do random drug screenings. How sad that they even need to do that, huh? But oh, well. They're not going to find anything testing me, so it's not really a big deal.
Hope everyone is doing well! :)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
day to day
Sarah has been on a Cinderella kick lately (I know, I know, big surprise). But it's taken a slightly different twist. Instead of her dressing up in her costumes, she is dressing me up (jewelry, shoes, etc.) and telling me that I need to go to the ball to dance with the prince. Then she grabs Nelson and tells him that he's the prince. He needs to go to the ball and dance with me and fall in love with me. We've done several rounds of this particular game.
Sarah has also been having fun painting her fingernails these past few days. She has a very kid-friendly nail polish; it washes right off. So each day after her bath, she has a "clean slate" so to speak on which to start again. She has painted her nails several days in a row, and these last two days she has always been painting mine! I have had lovely bright pink toenails two days in a row now. :)
Sometimes Sarah likes to play in empty laundry baskets. She pretends she is taking a bath. Today she was playing as usual, but she got stuck. :-p Opportunistic blogging mom that I am, I took a picture before I rescued her! ;) Enjoy!