Monday, February 25, 2013

back to blogging

It's funny; I actually had an outline of things I wanted to blog about, so that I could keep this and my other blogs regularly updated.  It was all planned.

Then the plague hit.  :-p  And it took forever to get over it.

I'm trying to remember the timeline of the last few weeks, and it's honestly just not straight in my head.  It's just this big blur of misery that all sort of runs together. make a very long story much shorter, Natalie got sick.  She stayed sick.  She ended up with a double ear infection, an "acute bronchial spasm," and eyes that looked like she had pink eye (she didn't; she just blew something coughing).  When she first started the medicine regimen, she actually got worse.  But five days into the treatment, she finally started feeling better.  She finished the last dose of medicine on Saturday, and I think we can call her officially cured. 

I'm still pretty congested; it's gross, really.  But I feel a whole heck of a lot better than I did, so I won't complain.  We're finally back into a normal school routine (the downside of homeschooling is not having a substitute teacher to call), and I'm catching up on housework. 

Funnily enough, one of my online buddies claimed Natalie and I gave her our colds.  Who knew that yuck could travel via cyberspace?  (Although if any cold could do that, it would be this one!) 

So anyway, now that we're all recovered and back to what passes for normal around here, I'll dig out my nifty outline and get back to regular updates here. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

baby, it's cold outside

Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow yesterday, so supposedly spring is on the way.  You'd never know it here.  Snow flurries Thursday, ice Friday, more snow yesterday, snow today...I told a friend on Twitter that Phil was a low-down, dirty liar. 

We had no church this morning, and this evening's classes and Super Bowl party were also cancelled.  There is more snow possible tonight, although I don't think it's as likely as the past few days.  Of course, weather forecasting is iffy at best, and we sometimes get our biggest snows when it isn't really supposed to do all that much. 

The girls have a sled (thanks, Dad!), so we did get out for awhile today.  A short while.  I freely confess that my entire family is a bunch of cold weather wimps.  It's a good thing I've never had to live in Michigan or anything--I'd die.  Part of the problem was the wind--it was cold, strong, and biting.  We had no desire to stay out in it for very long. 

Both girls had a great time for that short stint though, sledding down the hill.  Then we came inside and drank hot beverages.  In my opinion, hot drinks and blankets are the ideal way to spend a cold afternoon.  I can look out the window at the pretty snow from inside my nice warm house.